I wrote a book! Writing a book is something that stood on my bucket list of things I wanted to achieve, and I hadn’t considered actually doing it year. However, I got a great opportunity to work with Packt on the second edition of the Hands-On Kubernetes on Azure book. I am very glad with […]
Category: Uncategorized

How to connect VNETs in different Azure regions?
When discussing Azure networking, a question that frequently comes up is how to connect different Azure regions. More specifically, this question typically boils down to how to connect VNETs that are in different regions. There are three options to achieve this connection, which we’ll discuss in this post: Global VNET peering VNET-to-VNET connection Expressroute Although […]

Cloud shell goodness outside of the Azure portal
Do you know about the Azure Cloud Shell? If you don’t, this post is for you. If you do, this post might be for you, because cloud shell is available in more places than you might think. I recently gave a talk at the Azure security and compliance event in Sunnyvale, and showcased the Azure […]

Adding alerts to Azure Storage metrics
For every system you use, monitoring and alerting is critical. This holds true for Azure storage as well. In this quick post I’ll explain how you can setup alert rules for hitting TPS limits. Setting up the alert To set up the alerts, navigate to your storage account, look for Alerts, and hit the “New […]

Azure Kubernetes Private Clusters
Just a couple days ago, there was an announcement that Azure now supports (in public preview) AKS private clusters. This means that you can now create a cluster, where the API-server is hosted on a private IP. By default, an AKS cluster is created using a public IP for the kubernetes API server. On that […]