I was recently working with a customer who needed to make mass changes to Azure disks (we’re talking couple 100 disks). The disks were part of a demo environment that was very infrequently used, but when it was used it needed to perform well. When the demo was spun up, the disks needed to be […]

Connect Azure Functions securely to Key Vault using VNET integration and Private Link
I did some work with a customer last week to integrate Functions with Key Vault without using the public IP of the Key Vault. This setup worked perfectly, although there were a couple of steps involved. To document those steps, I decided to write this post. In this post we’ll build a new Azure Function […]

Using Key Vault managed storage accounts and SAS tokens in Azure Data Factory
I am working with a customer right now that is doing a lot of work with Azure Data Factory (ADF). ADF is a powerful cloud based data integration tool that lets you move data from a multitude of source, process that data and store it in a target data store. You can think of it […]

Running kind in Windows
Recently, I wrote a blog about how to run kind to run local Kubernetes cluster In that post I installed kind on my WSL setup. Kind – or Kubernetes in Docker – is a way to run local Kubernetes clusters easily and quickly. In this post, I’ll explore how to setup kind on a Windows […]

How to use ‘terraform output’ in a GitHub action
Recently, I was building a GitHub Actions pipeline, and needed to access output from Terraform. There’s a very convenient feature in Terraform that allows you to get output from your applied .tf files. You can call those values from the shell directly, and assign them to variables in your shell. What you need to do […]