Today I helped a colleague and his customer out with automating the building of their images using Packer. I thought: why not share the experience. What is Packer? Packer is a tool developed by Hashicorp (the company behind Terraform) that makes it easy to automate the creation of custom images (or AMIs in AWS). The […]
CKAD series part 7: Services and Networking
This is part 7 in a series of blog posts covering my learning experience for the CKAD exam. You can find the other parts in the series here: Part 1: intro, exam topics and my study plan Part 2: Core concepts Part 3: Configuration Part 4: Multi-container pods Part 5: Observability Part 6: Pod Design […]
Failed NetworkPolicy Experiment
Introduction I recently played around with kubernetes NetworkPolicies while writing part 7 of my CKAD series. I hit some configurations that didn’t make sense at all. Because I was learning about NetworkPolicies, I thought it was just me; but it appears it might have been an Azure issue. That being said, if you want to […]

A quick look at the Ballerina language
Update Aug 16: In the kubernetes part of this blog I mentioned I hit a bug in the kubernetes deployment part. The maintainers of Ballerina provided a fix, I updated the post to reflect that fix. Yesterday, I was attending the “Microservices, APIs and Integration” Meetup in Mountain View. There were two presentations, one great […]
CKAD series part 6: Pod Design
This is part 5 in a multi-series on my CKAD study efforts. You can find previous entries here: Part 1: intro, exam topics and my study plan Part 2: Core concepts Part 3: Configuration Part 4: Multi-container pods Part 5: Observability Part 7: Networking In part 6, we’re diving into Pod Design, specifically these 4 […]