If you need to move large amounts of data from 1 VM in Azure to another VM, a easy way to move that data is rather than copying the individual files, you could take a disk snapshot, and then mount the snapshot to a new VM. I had this proposal in a customer scenario recently, […]

Playing around with Windows Virtual Desktop
A couple of weeks ago I had a customer conversation around Windows Virtual Desktop. I had only seen a couple of online videos at that point about WVD, and hadn’t yet gotten my hands dirty with the technology yet. I’ll share my full conclusion at the end of this post, but let me give you […]

Setting up KEDA and running a first application
I’m presenting at a meetup tonight on the topic of Nodeless and Serverless on Kubernetes. My friend and colleague Richard Spitz is presenting on nodeless kubernetes and the virtual kubelet – while I’ll be taking on the topic of Serverless Kubernetes, with a focus on KEDA. KEDA (Kubernetes Event Driven Architecture) is a kubernetes component […]
Using a API Management in front of an Azure Kubernetes cluster
I have had the idea about writing about container and kubernetes networking for a while. Every time I dove in the research, I started looking at the networking aspects from a bottom-up lens. This means, starting at the Docker layer, moving into IPtables and into Kubernetes networking. What I learned about customer conversations about Kubernetes […]

Using PlantUML to generate architecture artifacts
(Last updated: June 8 2020) I was working with a team this week, that created some architecture diagrams in the PlantUML tool. The output images looked really neat, and they were super easy to extend and adapt. I wanted to dive into this for myself, and share with all of you what I learned. So […]