Last Saturday, I stepped on a flight towards Rome with a quick layover in London. In all, I spent about 16 hours travelling. This was an excellent time for me to catch up on a couple of Ignite that I wasn’t able to catch when I was there. Microsoft has been kind enough to provide […]

Integrating your a helm blue/green deployment into a CI/CD pipeline
A while ago, I wrote about setting up a Kubernetes blue/green deployment using the service object in Kubernetes. All the work done there, was done editing yaml files and using direct kubectl commands, which you wouldn’t do in production. Later on, we updated those yaml files to Helm charts, so we can update with a […]

Setting up an Azure Automation Hybrid Worker
I am working with a customer that is going to set up an Azure Automation hybrid worker. A Hybrid Worker in Azure Automation allows you to run automation scripts on your own VMs. The benefit of this is that while the script is running, it can connect to all resources on the network it has […]

Writing a Helm v3 chart
Helm v3 recently became generally available. This looks like a great time to discover what Helm can help you do in your journey building cloud-native applications. I’ve been playing around with Helm charts (using v2) for a while, but I have never written a chart from zero (I typically use charts I find online and […]

Getting Twitter to load previews of your website
This post doesn’t cover anything related to Azure or Kubernetes, my typical topics. However, I spent some time over the weekend diving into this topic and I hope to help out some people with this knowledge. I’ve been annoyed at Twitter for a while. For the life of me, it wouldn’t load any preview cards […]