I am doing some work with a customer around mounting Azure Files using NFS in an AKS cluster. In this blog post, I’m summarizing how to achieve this! In many applications, you need to have access to some shared files. There’s a couple of ways of setting this up. In Linux a common approach to […]
Tag: storage

Using Key Vault managed storage accounts and SAS tokens in Azure Data Factory
I am working with a customer right now that is doing a lot of work with Azure Data Factory (ADF). ADF is a powerful cloud based data integration tool that lets you move data from a multitude of source, process that data and store it in a target data store. You can think of it […]

Adding alerts to Azure Storage metrics
For every system you use, monitoring and alerting is critical. This holds true for Azure storage as well. In this quick post I’ll explain how you can setup alert rules for hitting TPS limits. Setting up the alert To set up the alerts, navigate to your storage account, look for Alerts, and hit the “New […]

Analyse Storage Account logs using Python in Azure Notebooks
Azure Storage can provide you detailed log information about all transactions happening against your storage account. There are default metrics that are gathered and shown through Azure Monitor. Additionally, you can configure logging on the storage account that give you a log information on a per request basis. Analyzing these logs can be a bit […]