I am working with a customer right now that is doing a lot of work with Azure Data Factory (ADF). ADF is a powerful cloud based data integration tool that lets you move data from a multitude of source, process that data and store it in a target data store. You can think of it […]
Tag: azure

Onboarding a Kubernetes cluster to Azure Arc
Azure Arc is part of Microsoft’s vision for a successful hybrid cloud deployments and management. Arc enables consistent management of your IT estate across multi-cloud, hybrid and edge deployments. What Arc enables is the use of Azure management and policy tools to manage and secure your IT estate. Currently, there are three solutions announced that […]

Using NFS on Azure blob and some performance tests
Recently, Microsoft announced that they’re enabling the NFS protocol on top of blob storage. This is growing the strategy that started with ADLS gen 2, which put the HDFS protocol on top of blob storage. I am working on a number of projects where this support would be helpful for customers. It’s still early days […]

VM Broken? Use OS disk swap in Azure to fix and restore
I can’t begin to count the amount of times I screwed up a virtual machine that wouldn’t boot anymore. In most cases, that was due to messing up /etc/fstab, which controls which disks get mounted in Linux. If that file is broken, your machine won’t boot anymore. In Azure, there’s an ability to swap the […]

Execute arbitrary PowerShell or Azure CLI in an ARM template
ARM templates are a great way to deploy infrastructure to Azure. The issue however is that sometimes, you need to do something that is not supported in a template. Think about executing an Azure Function when the template completes, or updating a config file in blob storage / some table. There is a new preview […]