Earlier today, Camila Martins joined the latest episode Unsung Heroes of the Cloud. She did an amazing job explaining how to manage Azure diagnostics settings at scale: She did such a great job explaining things, that I actually want to try out what she showed. The goal of this blog post is to explore how […]

GitHub SSO using password-protected SSH keys
There are two ways to pull/push from/to GitHub, when connecting from a remote system: either you use HTTPS or you use SSH. When connecting to a GitHub organization, the organization might have special requirements for the connection. For example, if I want to push updates to the github.com/azure organization, I need to use a password-protected […]

Development containers in Visual Studio code are awesome
As part of my job, I work with multiple languages and multiple tools on a daily basis. Keeping environments up to date and having all the right tools installed can sometimes become a bit of a burden. I recently started using development containers in Visual Studio Code (VS Code) to help manage this burden. Development […]

Block public load balancers on Azure Kubernetes Service using Azure policy
In this post, I’ll explain to you how you can use Azure Policy to restrict the creation of load balancers with a public IP in AKS using Azure policy. Azure policy is a way to ensure your Azure deployments follow your standards. Policies are a set of restrictive rules, that control what can be deployed […]

How to install PowerShell modules in a Visual Studio Code devcontainer
I’m doing a fair bit of work lately in VS Code devcontainers. They are an amazing way to create consistent development environments without having to install tools locally. I ran into an issue building PowerShell Docker images with modules installed (I specifically needed to install Az PowerShell, the Az ResourceGraph PowerShell module and Pester). Simple […]