When creating a service of type LoadBalancer in AKS, AKS will by default use a random public IP address and configure that on the AKS load balancer. You can however use a static self-managed public IP address as well. Don’t confuse this with using a public ip prefix for the outbound rule for AKS though. […]
Tag: aks

Azure Kubernetes Private Clusters
Just a couple days ago, there was an announcement that Azure now supports (in public preview) AKS private clusters. This means that you can now create a cluster, where the API-server is hosted on a private IP. By default, an AKS cluster is created using a public IP for the kubernetes API server. On that […]
Using a API Management in front of an Azure Kubernetes cluster
I have had the idea about writing about container and kubernetes networking for a while. Every time I dove in the research, I started looking at the networking aspects from a bottom-up lens. This means, starting at the Docker layer, moving into IPtables and into Kubernetes networking. What I learned about customer conversations about Kubernetes […]